Due to recommendations by the CDC during the Coronavirus crisis, this meeting will be conducted via
teleconference. This is allowed by O.C.G.A. §50-14-1(g) as the public is provided simultaneous access to the
teleconference meeting. The City of Winder will utilize Zoom to conduct this teleconference meeting.
To join:
By Computer - link to Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/113887194
By Phone - please call using either of these toll free numbers: (1) 877 853 5257 or (1) 888 475 4499
When prompted, the meeting ID is 113 887 194. There is no password for this meeting.
Please note that you might not be able to join the meeting by phone until approximately 6 PM. The meeting will
not begin before that time.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.